Plans submitted for warehouse complex on farmland

Nadia Lincoln
Local Democracy Reporting Service
Harworth Estates Investments Ltd An artist's impression of how one of the warehouse buildings could appear from the outside. It shows the corner of a large building and a parking area.Harworth Estates Investments Ltd
The development would be accessed from Harrington Road, which branches off junction three of the A14

Developers have formally entered an application to create a large warehouse complex on farmland next to the A14.

North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) will review plans for the 161 acre (65 hectare) site on Nunnery Farm, near Rothwell, which applicant Harworth Estates Investments Ltd claimed would create 3,000 full-time jobs and generate £238m for the local economy each year.

It would comprise of five large warehouses and three smaller units, which would be accessed via Harrington Road.

The application has been lodged despite backlash from people living nearby.

As reported by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, the proposal prompted the creation of local campaign group Rothwell Against Warehousing (RAW), which has about 400 members on Facebook.

The developer held a consultation with residents prior to submitting the application at the end of last year. A survey, which attracted more than 500 responses, found about 75% of people were strongly opposed to proposals.

One person wrote in their objection to Conservative-controlled NNC that "Rothwell does not need this development, traffic pollution or noise".

Harworth Estates Investments Ltd An overview of the proposed site development shows how the warehousing would be laid out.Harworth Estates Investments Ltd
The warehouse park plans are located alongside the A14 and A6

In its planning statement, Harworth Estates said the plans could address a "limited" employment offering in Rothwell.

It said: "The proposed development will therefore respond to this demand for a range of skilled employment positions, as well as providing lower skilled and more flexible entry positions."

Rothwell Town Council will meet to discuss the application at a meeting on Thursday before submitting its response to NNC.

Public comments on the application will remain open until 14 February, with a final decision on the plans due in April.

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