Humanity8 Jan 2024Why are we scared of flying on planes?Flying is considered a very safe way of travelling. So why are some people aviophobic?8 Jan 2024Humanity23 Dec 2023Decoding the 2023 crotch grab controversyWhy is the crotch grab problematic, despite not being always gender-specific or a taunt?23 Dec 2023Humanity22 Sep 2023'There's no one way to be autistic'In this animated video, author Sara Gibbs shares her experience of being diagnosed with autism at the age of 30.22 Sep 2023Humanity4 Jun 2023Why do we value gold so much?Find out how our obsession with this shiny metal has shaped some of the darkest chapters in history.4 Jun 2023Humanity19 May 2023Inside the Huey P Newton Gun ClubWhat is this Black armed group trying to achieve and what tactics do they use?19 May 2023Humanity14 Mar 2023Lapedo Child: A Neanderthal, modern human hybrid?How the discovery of a child's skeleton showed that modern humans bred with Neanderthals.14 Mar 2023Humanity6 Mar 2023Why are humans obsessed with the afterlife?Humankind's fascination with the afterlife and why coming to our natural end feels so very unnatural.6 Mar 2023Humanity24 Jan 2023Why dancing is key to our humanityWhat can out long love affair with dance teach us about ourselves?24 Jan 2023Humanity15 Jul 2022Do blonde people have a happier and easier life?In this episode of Metamorphoses, Jess Rohan examines the intricate politics of the blonde woman stereotype.15 Jul 2022Humanity...