'Art became final piece of my Parkinson's jigsaw'

Bill Law was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease shortly after his retirement in 2013.

Frustratingly for Mr Law, this meant he could not pursue his plans of hiking mountain trails in his twilight years.

The 76-year-old struggles with stiffness, slow movement and a tremor, so keeps up regular exercise as a way to help manage his symptoms.

Four years ago he discovered a passion for pen and ink drawing which he said has, over time, reduced the tremor in his left hand.

"Taking up art was the final piece of the jigsaw for me," he said.

Claire Bale, associate director of research at Parkinson's UK, said: "It's really important for research to keep looking into how creative activities can help improve the lives of people with Parkinson's, including how they might help with symptoms."

Video produced by Alex Challies.